Parent Resources

Summary of Parent/Guardian Rights

Parent involvement in the evaluation process is important and valued by school staff. You have the right to:

• Give your input to the evaluation and program planning process.
• Participate on the Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team (MET) which considers whether your child is eligible for special education services.
• Participate as a member of the Individualized Planning Committee (IEPT) which plans the program for your child.
• To understand the evaluation services to which your child may be exposed. If you don't understand, please ask the school staff conducting the evaluation.

You have a number of rights which are briefly summarized below.

• Be notified of all changes to your child's program before the changes take place.
• An independent educational evaluation of your child if you disagree with the evaluation provided by the school district.
• Evaluation in your native language if it is other than English.
• Have IEP meetings scheduled at a mutually agreeable time.
• Be accompanied to IEP meetings by any persons you desire.
• Ask about an IEPT meeting to be held at any time that you have a concern about your child's program.
• Have your child educated with non-handicapped peers to the maximum extent appropriate to his/her needs.
• Supplementary aids and services as needed by your child.
• Inspect your child's educational records and have copies of these records.
• File a complaint, if you feel that Huron Valley has violated your child's rights, with the Oakland Schools Intermediate School District by calling (248) 209-2121 and asking for the special education compliance officer.
• To disagree with the recommendations of the IEPT and request mediation by a neutral third party, binding arbitration or a due process hearing. You would initiate such a request by contacting your child's special education teacher.
• Information regarding free or low cost legal and other relevant services.
• A continuum of alternative services.

If you reject the recommendations of the IEPT for your child and intend to unilaterally (without the agreement of the school district) enroll your child in a private school at public expense you are required by law to notify the school district of this intent at least ten (10) business days before removal of your child from the school district program. Such notice must include a statement of the nature of your concerns regarding the recommendation made by the IEPT team. Please make this notification, in writing, to:

Director of Student Support Services
Huron Valley Schools
2380 S. Milford Road
Highland, Michigan 48357

If you have problems with the educational program of your child, remedy should be sought with your child's special education teacher first. Lacking resolution at this level, you have the right to contact the following people in this order:

  1. Building Principal

  2. Director of Student Support Services

  3. Assistant Superintendent of Instruction

  4. Superintendent of Schools

Procedural Safeguards Notice Revised 2018
Spanish Version Procedural Safeguards Notice Revised 2018
Arabic Version Procedural Safeguards Notice Revised 2018

Parent Handbook