The Huron Valley United Racing middle school group came in second place at their mountain bike race on Sunday, September 15, in Muskegon. This was their third race in a series of six. Oak Valley cyclists made strong contributions to this team, which is composed of all three HVS middle schools. Their next race will be a time trial at Maybury State Park on Sunday, September 22. Best of luck to our mountain bike racers!
25 minutes ago, Oak Valley Middle School
4 boys on bicycles on a hill
one bicyclist on pavement in race
three bikers ready to race
one bicyclist in a race
The OV Cross Country teams participated in a trimeet against Muir and White Lake to begin the season. The 7th/8th grade boys beat Muir and lost to White Lake. The 7th/8th grade girls lost a close meet, but ran well. The 6th graders posted great times in their race. The teams ran tough in their first meet, and look forward to going on the road against Sarah Banks this week! Go Hornets!
3 days ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Boys begin the race at starting line
boys running in cross country race
GIrls begin to run from starting line
Coach talking to runners
6th graders run on field
6th graders run in race
In the season opener, both of the OV Girls Volleyball teams won all three games of their matches! What a way to begin! Each team demonstrated hustle as they dove, rallied, and served well playing Walnut Creek. Their next match is Tuesday at Geisler. Way to go, Hornets!
3 days ago, Oak Valley Middle School
volleyball team circles on the court
volleyball player bumps the ball
volleyball team in a huddle
volleyball player in set position
volleyball player jumps high for the ball
volleyball girls by the net
We had a fantastic first week of school at Oak Valley! Students and staff alike are prepared for a great year in the Hive! It's so good to see all of these smiles.
11 days ago, Oak Valley Middle School
3 girls pose together in hallway
boys smile at lunch time
girls smile at lunch table
4 students standing and smiling in the hallway
girls smile together at lunch
boys smiling at lunch
Oak Valley Staff had a great week getting ready for the school year to begin! We can’t wait to dive in with the students on September 3, the first day of school!
17 days ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Principal and mascot walk in gym
Teachers talk  at meeting
Teachers participate in interaction
Teachers meet around a table
Teachers discussing in rows
The Oak Valley Leadership Class completed WEB training, so they are ready to conduct Sixth Grade Orientation next week! For incoming sixth graders, this is an important morning of connection and preparation for the middle school experience. On Thursday, August 29, OV sixth graders meet in the gym from 8 am to 12 pm, for our WEB ("Where Everyone Belongs") program. (Orientation is for students only. Sixth grade parents meet with Mrs. Fraza from 8:30 to 9:30 am in our Large Group Instruction Room.)
27 days ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Girls talk in a circle
Students fill out notebook on the floor
Students talk across cafeteria
Student groups meet with notebooks
Leadership class meets in groups
Students talk in a circle on floor
Students stand in line for a game
Oak Valley and Muir students in Summer Band participated in the Fourth of July Milford Parade on Thursday. They did a great job marching and playing together as we celebrated Independence Day! Thank you to our directors, Mr. Hogaboom and Mrs. Blanchard!
3 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
band members march in parade
marching band members playing flutes
band directors pose in front of marching band
Summer Band students from Oak Valley and Muir had a great day performing at Cedar Point! Be sure to watch for the MS band as they march in the Fourth of July Parade in Milford this Thursday also!
3 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
band members marching
At our final pep assembly, students enjoyed Relay Races, Tug of War, and a memorable Staff vs. Students Basketball Game!
3 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
tug of war students pull on rope
tip-off at basketball game
boy holds basketball in game on court
students pull for tug of war
students pull rope for tug of war
students in wheelbarrow race
students carry eggs in relay race
student dribbles basketball
girl carries egg in relay race
Students in 7th Grade Social Studies classes gave presentations about ancient American civilizations. This group discussed the discovery of Tenochtitlan, the Aztec capital, now within Mexico City. Their props can also be found on the Mexican flag!
3 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
4 boys pose with a cactus and eagle costume
Oak Valley 6th Graders celebrated the completion of the school year with a trip to Brighton Rollerama and Zap Zone!
3 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
3 girls stand by Arcade
3 girls smile with roller skaters in background
Boys play electronic game
5 girls drink colas at Rollerama
students roller skating in rink
2 girls stand by Zap Zone sign
2 boys sit in gaming chairs
4 girls by snack table at Rollerama
5 boys skate together in rink
The 7th grade class conquered the Team Challenge, demonstrated outdoor survival skills, and played Capture the Flag at the Howell Nature Center this week!
3 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
4 boys build a shelter with wood and tarp
2 students walk on ropes
4 boys show the shelter they made in forest
5 boys in a shelter they built in woods
5 girls sit under tarp
girls pose in a shelter with tarp
4 boys pose in a shelter they built
2 students walk on ropes
girl walks on ropes
5 boys under a shelter they built
The perfect day celebrating the end of 8th grade!
3 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
8th grade students enjoying Cedar Point
8th grade students enjoying Cedar Point
8th grade students enjoying Cedar Point
8th grade students enjoying Cedar Point
8th grade students enjoying Cedar Point
8th grade students enjoying Cedar Point
8th grade students enjoying Cedar Point
8th grade students enjoying Cedar Point
8th grade students enjoying Cedar Point
8th grade students enjoying Cedar Point
Oak Valley Hornets shine brightly! We are so proud of all that our students have accomplished this school year. We celebrated with our Awards Ceremony last night, including Fine Arts, Athletic, Academic, and President's Awards. The OV Choir also provided special music!
3 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
3 students pose with fine arts trophy
choirs sings together in gym
boys pose with certificates
3 students pose with trophy
girl receives certificate and handshake
7th grade students seated at ceremony
mom, daughter, and grandma pose together
Rosie the security dog in gym
girls pose in front of banner
The last choir concert of the year did not disappoint! Lots of dancing, laughter, beautiful singing, a dedication to Mrs. Durso & a surprise solo performance from Mrs. Samuels. Congratulations to the entire choir program!
3 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Final choir performance of the year
Final choir performance of the year
Final choir performance of the year
Final choir performance of the year
Final choir performance of the year
Final choir performance of the year
Final choir performance of the year
Final choir performance of the year
Final choir performance of the year
Mrs. Nicolay's class earned a special day out through their work with the Treat Truck! The boys sold snacks and drinks to customers at school through this program, which was introduced by Mrs. Adams, our speech language pathologist. They advanced in their interpersonal skills and made a profit, too! As a result, they enjoyed bowling and lunch at Leo's Coney Island.
4 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
5 boys pose at bowling alley
Boy gets a strike at bowling alley
We are so grateful for our parent mentors! Pictured here are many of the mentors who come to Oak Valley each week to invest their time with individual students. The mentors and mentees enjoyed an ice cream social together to celebrate the school year!
4 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
parent mentors pose together in a line
Sixth grade art students used a layering process with paper clay and paper mache to produce a fabulous array of sculptures! They are pictured here within the creature categories. Our students are so creative! Great job, Hornets!
4 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
5 girls hold butterfly sculptures
6 boys hold fish paper projects
6 students show paper fish they made
6 girls hold sea creatures they made
3 girls show their paper sculptures
Come on down to Milford tonight for the Free Jazz Band Concert! Oak Valley and Muir Middle School Jazz Bands will be featured at the SHAC, 125 S. Main Street, from 6:30 to 8 pm. See you then!
4 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
Jazz @ the SHAC featuring the Muir middle school jazz band and the Oak Valley middle school jazz band.  125 S Main Street, Milford.  May 29th, 6:30-8 pm, Free!
Eighth graders in Mrs. Rowley's Engineering classes designed and built catapults. After launching, they measured the distance to evaluate the effectiveness of their designs. What's next for Engineering students? Battle Bots!
4 months ago, Oak Valley Middle School
students discuss their catapults in hallway
students stand with catapults they built