Contacts and School Hours

Lakeland High School
1630 Bogie Lake Rd.
White Lake, MI 48383

Contact Information:
Main Office Phone: (248) 676-8320
Main Office Fax: (248) 676-8382
Libby Vieu, Principal
Jillian Haney, Assistant Principal
Dr. Chris Carlson, Assistant Principal
Thomas Kooy and Ashley Zoltowski, Behavioral Interventionists
Det. Ross Wagenmaker, School Resource Officer
Molly Aills, Student Activities Director

Attendance 24-hr Phone Line (248) 676-8330
Attendance Fax: (248) 676-8303
Attendance Email:

Student Services Phone: (248) 676-8364
Student Services Fax: (248) 684-8285

Student Records Phone: (248) 676-8351
Student Records Fax: (248) 676-8367

Lakeland Athletics Phone: (248) 676-8302
Athletic Dept Fax: (248) 676-8366

School Hours:
Start Time: 7:22 AM
Dismissal Time: 2:03 PM

Exam Day Dismissal: 10:31 AM
Early Release Day Dismissal: 12:34 PM