Please help us to welcome Detective Kyle Welling, who will be Oxbow's new School Resource Officer (SRO) this school year! Detective Welling is a 4 year White Lake PD veteran, a Lakeland High School graduate, and he lives in the local community with his family. Welcome to Oxbow Officer Welling. We are excited to have you working with our 5th graders and school community this school year!
3 months ago, Oxbow Elementary
A picture of Detective Kyle Welling.
Congratulations to our September and October Owls that have been recognized for exhibiting our P2 Character traits. Way to lead by example! #iHOOT
3 months ago, Oxbow Elementary
Oxbow's P2 bulletin board  with students names and P2 traits
Oxbow's P2 bulletin board  with students names and P2 traits
Our Fun Run on Friday was amazing! Our students had a fantastic day filled with lots of fun had by all! Thank you to all of the parent volunteers, OPC, and staff who made the day possible! #TogetherWeDoGreatThings
3 months ago, Oxbow Elementary
Students having popcycles after the Fun Run.
Students at Fun Run covered with colored chalk.
A student getting sprayed off by a leaf blower at Fun Run.
A student at Fun Run covered with colored chalk.
Students at Fun Run covered with colored chalk.
A student at Fun Run covered with colored chalk.
Students at Fun Run covered with colored chalk.
Students at Fun Run covered with colored chalk.
Students on the playground during Fun Run getting covered in chalk.
A student at Fun Run covered with colored chalk.
Our new HVS educators were honored at the Board of Education meeting on 10/7. Congratulations to the 54 new educators, including Oxbow's very own Ms. Reber and Mr. Greene. Thank you to Mrs. Brinkman and Mrs. Utterback for rooting on our Owls! 😊
4 months ago, Oxbow Elementary
2 of our new teachers at a board meeting
Our Principal and 2 teachers with our 2 new teachers
The fall colors are starting to look beautiful around here! Happy fall ya'll!
4 months ago, Oxbow Elementary
Flag pole with a beautiful tree in the background
Check out these local events coming up!
4 months ago, Oxbow Elementary
Info on the Fall Festival Fundraiser
Trunk or Treat information
Purchase a yearbook today!
4 months ago, Oxbow Elementary
24-25 Yearbook QR code
Over the years, Oxbow's OPC has done amazing things to help support our building, students, and families. Please consider helping our building with our biggest fundraiser of the year, by donating to the Fun Run this school year! Register your child at to get started!
4 months ago, Oxbow Elementary
Information on our Oxbow Parent Council
Calling all Owls!
4 months ago, Oxbow Elementary
Outline of yearbook cover contest
Some of our Owls helped to make signs for the Lakeland Homecoming parade this Friday! Great job Owls! Let's go Eagles!
4 months ago, Oxbow Elementary
Students and parents creating homecoming signs.
Students and parents creating homecoming signs.
Students and parents creating homecoming signs.
Students and parents creating homecoming signs.
The 2024-2025 Lost and Found has officially gotten underway! If your child is missing anything, please be sure to check out the following link. If you see an item that belongs to your child, please email the item #. Thank you!
4 months ago, Oxbow Elementary
Lost and found information and a link to see objects
Oxbow's Color Fun Run officially kicked off on Friday - September 20th!! ✨Register your student(s): ✨Then share your page through email and social media! This is our only fundraiser for the year, and it’s intended to fund planned activities for the entire 24-25 school year. This includes student activities, staff needs, field trips, and more! Please register your student(s) and share their page on social media to help them raise funds! Go Oxbow!
4 months ago, Oxbow Elementary
Color Fun Run 2024 Information
Spirit Week is coming!! Help celebrate Lakeland's homecoming!!
4 months ago, Oxbow Elementary
Spirit week schedule to celebrate Lakelands homecoming
Our Owls loved shopping at the Hoot Shop this morning. Thank you to our OPC and parent volunteers for helping to make these experiences possible for our students. Go Owls! #WeAreOxbow
4 months ago, Oxbow Elementary
Students and parents at Oxbow's Hoot Shop along with making popcorn today.
Students and parents at Oxbow's Hoot Shop along with making popcorn today.
Oxbow's picture day is taking place on 9/23. Order forms will be coming home with students this week. You can also order online at There is also a Promo Code: MYNAME.
4 months ago, Oxbow Elementary
"Say Cheese" Oxbow's picture day is on  9/23.
Go Lakeland Bronco Cheerleaders! Our 4th-grade Owls were excited to represent their team spirit at school!
5 months ago, Oxbow Elementary
Lakeland Broncos Cheer- Our 4th Grade girls representing
Our staff loved welcoming our Owls back to the building for the 2024-2025 school year. It's going to be a great year!
5 months ago, Oxbow Elementary
Morning arrival on the 1st day of school
Congrats to a couple of our Owls for their accomplishments in baseball this year!
8 months ago, Oxbow Elementary
Congrats to a couple of our Owls for their accomplishments in baseball this year!
Oxbow's JK knows how to make field day a great day to be an Owl! 🦉
8 months ago, Oxbow Elementary
Junior Kindergarten enjoying field day
Junior Kindergarten enjoying field day
Junior Kindergarten enjoying field day
Junior Kindergarten enjoying field day
Junior Kindergarten enjoying field day
Junior Kindergarten enjoying field day
Junior Kindergarten enjoying field day
Junior Kindergarten enjoying field day
Junior Kindergarten enjoying field day
Junior Kindergarten enjoying field day
The Dance Party is rocking at Oxbow's Field Day!
8 months ago, Oxbow Elementary
Field Day dance party
Field Day dance party
Field Day dance party
Field Day dance party
Field Day dance party