Milford High School
2024/25 School year
Advanced Placement/Honors Courses Summer Update
Students recently had the opportunity to view their course selections for next year through Skyward. IF your schedule included AP or Honors classes or Spanish IV/V, please review the following information that applies to you:
Due to a delay in the typical scheduling timeline, some changes have been made regarding how AP class work will progress this summer.
In place of the typical mandatory summer work, many AP/Honors teachers will be assigning optional summer work. Teachers have carefully selected these assignments because they will help students to begin the class with a stronger background in the course subject and be better prepared for AP exams.
Assume you have been placed in the AP classes you requested unless you have received notification from your Milford High School counselor that there is conflict with your requests. Students should check their HVS email throughout the summer so counselors can notify them of any potential conflicts.
Please note that teachers are still making updates to this information through June.
Milford High School Counselors
AP Biology
AP Environmental Science
AP Chemistry
AP Pre-Calculus
AP Calculus
AP Computer Science
AP Statistics
AP Government
AP Human Geography
Welcome Letter & Summer Resources
AP US History
AP US History Summer Assignment
Honors ELA 9
Honors ELA 10
The Alchemist Dialectical Journal and Response to Reading
AP Language and Composition
Summer Assignment and Readings
AP Literature and Composition
Summer Reading and Writing Assignments
Spanish 4 and 5