National Honor Society
Looking for Leaders!
Milford High School’s National Honors Society
The National Honors Society is open to juniors and seniors through a competitive application process.
Students that meet the minimum academic requirement receive an invitation to apply in the fall of their junior (or senior) year, and are given approximately 2 weeks to complete and submit their application.
Application invitations are distributed to student email addresses in the first two weeks of school each year. The email contains a link to the application, which will be submitted electronically.
Students are evaluated by a faculty committee. The committee looks for strong evidence of applicants exhibiting these Four Pillars identified by the National Honor Society organization: Scholarship, Leadership, Character, and Service.
If accepted, applicants participate in 2 group service events each year as well as complete a minimum of 24 service hours during the school year as members of NHS.
What does this mean for you?
Freshman and Sophomores (and Juniors who may not have been accepted the first time around) students are encouraged to “bulk up” their application by successfully completing the following prior to submitting an application:
Maintain a 3.5 or higher GPA (academic requirement)
Take honors and/or AP level courses for academic rigor when available & be an active classroom participant--teacher recommendations are a required portion of the application.
Look for and engage in leadership opportunities within the school or extra curricular activities
Complete a variety of community service activities--we’ve had applicants with as many as 100 community service hours completed in their first two years of high school!
Participate in school activities such as clubs or sports, or out of school activities such as scouting, sports, or youth groups.
Successful NHS applicants are not just good students, but individuals with the drive and interest to make an impact on our school and community.
For more information, please contact the following NHS Advisor:
Ms. Hittle, Room 210,
Link to national website: