April 12, 2024 

We had another busy and exciting week here at Oxbow! Our 3rd-5th graders did an amazing job completing their first week of MSTEP testing! They were focused, tried their best, and took their time on the ELA assessment. This year’s new district schedule allows our students to pace themselves due to the shortened daily testing time. This helps combat testing fatigue. Be sure to check in with your child on how they felt about their first week of testing. 

We are gearing up for another busy week! Please be sure to check out our schedule below and all of the planned events. 


Please find attached some important information and flyers: 

-M-STEP Schedule for 3rd-5th

-OPC 5th Grade Glow Dance Flyer 

This Week’s Schedule:

April 15- Middle School Band Performance for 5th Graders

April 16 and 17- MSTEP for 5th Grade

April 17-Applebee’s from 4-9 pm

April 18- Glow Dance for 5th Grade from 5:00-7:00 (See attached flyer)

April 18-Hoot Shop and Popcorn Friday @ $.50/bag


Bond 2024 Information: 

Building on the improvements of the Bond Program passed in 2019, Bond 2024 will continue to enhance the safety of our students and teachers with a Zero Tax Increase. Be sure to Get Out and Vote on May 7th.

Learn more about the Bond on www.hvs.org 

Summer Extension Updates: 

The district will be sharing more information with families of students who were identified for the Summer Extension program this summer. This program is for students who are below grade level in reading and/or math. Please be on the lookout for that information in the next few weeks. 

Summer Workbooks: Parent Survey Below

Our team is considering once again utilizing Title I funds to purchase summer workbooks only for those that are interested in them. If you are interested in them, please complete the survey below. We are trying to gather interest. A decision will be made soon and parents will be notified if we will be purchasing them. 

Google Survey: https://forms.gle/8JXcZifmiCepLRYX6 

Here is a sample of the summer school workbook for JK and K: 


Positivity Project:

This week our school community will be focusing on the character strength of Purpose. Purpose means you have beliefs about the meaning of life and your life’s purpose. You seek to be part of something greater than yourself.

Purpose gives individuals the sense that they are put on this earth for a reason and that they are somehow connected with humanity or the universe. People who possess a sense of purpose believe that they were put on earth for a reason. That reason can have all kinds of variety. It could be to create a unique invention, bring joy through art or music, or raise their children to become good people. These people have a true calling.

Having a clear sense of purpose in life and believing that you’re connected to a larger meaning gives individuals strength. It allows them to persevere and find courage in trying circumstances or lead with kindness and love even when it’s not reciprocated. Those with a sense of purpose have more meaning in their life -- and are more fulfilled.

To practice and encourage the character strength of purpose with your child, please visit the Positivity Project’s P2 for Families (password: P2), where together you will watch a video, read a quote, and talk about the answers to three questions.

Volunteers Needed at Lunch and Recess: 

We are always looking for parents who are interested and willing to volunteer at lunch and recess. We have room to accommodate those volunteers who would like to help indoors or outdoors. As with any volunteering position, you must have a cleared CRC on file with the Main Office. Please reach out to Mrs. Greenleaf if you would like to help out. We are flexible and open to whatever works with your schedule. 

Fridays tend to need the most support. 

Lunch Hours are 11:45-2:00 pm/ daily 

Lost and Found: 

Our Lost and Found is overflowing. Please be sure to see if any items belong to your child. If you see something, please email Mrs. Spangler at nicole.spangler@hvs.org. We will be donating all leftover items after Friday, April 19th. 


From Mrs. Becker in the Media Center: 

Dear Oxbow Families,


Last Thursday was our Literacy Night event, which turned out to be fun for all. I hope you were able to attend, but if not, we hope to see you next year.


The students who attended were able to choose a free book to take home. We want all our students to have a book, even if they were unable to attend. You may see an additional book come home with them, and it is theirs to keep. These books are different from their library books, as they do not have an Oxbow barcode on it. 



Thank you,

Have a wonderful weekend! 

Mrs. Greenleaf