April 5, 2024 

We had a wonderful 1st week back after Spring Break! I hope that your family enjoyed a relaxing and fun break. Next week, we gear up for the Solar Ecplise, MSTEP for 3rd-5th grades, and our Masked Reader school-wide assembly. It’ll be another busy and fun week for our Owls! 


Please find attached several important flyers and documents: 

-M-STEP Schedule for 3rd-5th

-Opt Out Permission Slip for the Solar Ecplise (only for those that DO NOT want their child to participate on Monday)

-District Correspondence regarding the Solar Ecplise 

-OPC 5th Grade Glow Dance Flyer 


April 8th-Solar Eclipse @ 3:13 pm (Wear moon, sun, stars, NASA-Spirit Day Attire)

April 9, 10,11- MSTEP for 3rd-5th Grades

April 12th-Masked Reader Assembly for Students 


Bond 2024 Information: 

Building on the improvements of the Bond Program passed in 2019, Bond 2024 will continue to enhance the safety of our students and teachers with a Zero Tax Increase. Be sure to Get Out and Vote on May 7th.

Learn more about the Bond on www.hvs.org 

Solar Eclipse: 

On April 8th at 3:13 pm, our community will have the opportunity to view and learn about a solar eclipse. Eclipses don't happen very often, and they're a fantastic way for us to learn more about the Sun, the Moon, and how they interact with Earth. 

Our school district has purchased specific eclipse eyewear for all students and staff to utilize during the event. Students WILL NOT be permitted to use viewing glasses from home. Please be sure not to send them with your child to school. 

Attached, you will find an Opt Out Permission Slip for all families to complete, if you choose to opt your child out of participating in the event. Otherwise, all students and staff will have an opportunity to view the eclipse on that afternoon. 

What is a solar eclipse video: https://youtu.be/hyf5JF_VxwM?si=VsikLtrcj6KM2wMu 

Positivity Project:

This week, our school community will be focusing on the character strength of Perseverance. Perseverance means you complete what you start despite obstacles. You never give up.

The concept of perseverance can most often be found in one’s active pursuit of overcoming obstacles. Perseverance is a uniquely human characteristic that identifies an individual’s ability to spend long periods of time devoted to a single goal or set of goals. People demonstrating high levels of perseverance can handle significant, sometimes repeated, setbacks in pursuit of goals.

Those who persevere through setbacks often reap the benefits of the success gained by refusing to give up. Sometimes, this comes with the added benefit of increased knowledge and skill as a result of the work needed to achieve. A single group member’s ability or willingness to persevere can substantially impact those working with them and the team. Groups that show high levels of perseverance can achieve goals they may not have believed possible.

To practice and encourage the character strength of perseverance with your child, please visit the Positivity Project’s P2 for Families (password: P2), where together you will watch a video, read a quote, and talk about the answers to three questions.


Volunteers Needed at Lunch and Recess: 

We are always looking for parents who are interested and willing to volunteer at lunch and recess. We have room to accommodate those volunteers who would like to help indoors or outdoors. As with any volunteering position, you must have a cleared CRC on file with the Main Office. Please reach out to Mrs. Greenleaf if you would like to help out. We are flexible and open to whatever works with your schedule. 

Lunch Hours are 11:45-2:00 pm/ daily 

Lost and Found: 

Our Lost and Found is overflowing. Please be sure to see if any items belong to your child. If you see something, please email Mrs. Spangler at nicole.spangler@hvs.org. We will be donating all leftover items after Friday, April 19th. 


Air Purifiers: 

Oxbow Elementary has been awarded a grant through the state of Michigan, providing each classroom, office space, and common areas (Media Center, Multi-Purpose Room, Gym) with air purifiers and 5 years' worth of new filters! We are so excited to have this wonderful grant to help during peak virus times during the school year such as winter and early spring months. Thank you Mr. Rehnlund for seeking out this amazing opportunity! 


Oxbow Blue Take Home Folders-Sponsors Needed 

National School Folders has been providing the take home school folder for multiple years at zero cost to our school. Due to ever increasing printing and shipping costs, we are asking for help from our parents in sponsoring ads for the 24-25 school year so that the folders will continue to be free.

There are two ways to help sponsor our School Folder:

·         Business sponsorship: $350.00 (a discounted ad price) which includes a business ad on your school folder for the 24-25 school year.

·         Personal sponsorship: $75.00 which includes your name on the back of the folder as a sponsor.               

For more information on how to sponsor an ad, please contact our National School Folders representative Bob Lundwall at:

Ad Sponsorship Deadline is Friday, June 7.

Have a wonderful weekend! 

Mrs. Greenleaf