March 22, 2024 

We made it to Spring Break! I hope that everyone enjoys the time off with family and friends! 

It’s hard to believe, that when we return, we will be gearing up for the last third of the 2023-2024 school year. 

Please find attached some important information and flyers: 

-M-STEP Schedule for 3rd-5th

-OPC 5th Grade Glow Dance Flyer 

-OPC flyer for the Raffle

-March OPC Meeting Minutes 

-Easter Egg Community Opportunity 



March 25-29 & April 1 - No School (Spring Break)

April 2nd-Return to School

April 4th- Literacy Night from 6:00-7:30 pm

April 5th- Half Day for Students/Dismissal at 12:45 pm 

April 8th-Solar Eclipse @ 3:13 pm


Bond 2024 Information: 

Building on the improvements of the Bond Program passed in 2019, Bond 2024 will continue to enhance the safety of our students and teachers with a Zero Tax Increase. Be sure to Get Out and Vote on May 7th.

Learn more about the Bond at 


Solar Eclipse: 

On April 8th at 3:13 pm, our community will have the opportunity to view and learn about a solar eclipse. Eclipses don't happen very often, and they're a fantastic way for us to learn more about the Sun, the Moon, and how they interact with Earth. The next solar eclipse will take place in 2047! 

Our school district has purchased specific eclipse eyewear for all students and staff to utilize during the event. Mrs. Greenleaf will be sending an Opt Out Permission Slip for all families that choose to opt their child out of participating in the event. Otherwise, all students and staff will have an opportunity to view the eclipse on that afternoon. More information will be coming home soon! 

What is a solar eclipse video: 


Positivity Project:

This week our school community will be focusing on the character strength of Humor. Humor means you like to laugh and bring smiles to other people.


Humor is a sense of playfulness and lightness. It is a way of looking at and describing the world that brings laughter to people. A person with the strength of humor is skilled at seeing the funny side of things, bringing smiles and laughter to others, and identifying and communicating the absurdities in life. People with this strength don’t specifically need to be joke tellers, although many are.

Humor plays an important role in helping groups of people rise above difficult circumstances and boost morale. It removes us from our present difficulties by easing tension and making life more fun. This is why athletic teams often need a jokester to help them get through tough losses and early morning fitness sessions. On a larger societal level, humor often helps downtrodden groups to find cohesion and strength. This is why Simon Wiesenthal said, “Humor is the weapon of unarmed people: it helps people who are oppressed smile at the situation that pains them.”

To practice and encourage the character strength of humor with your child, please visit the Positivity Project’s P2 for Families (password: P2) where together you will watch a video, read a quote, and talk about the answers to three questions.


Volunteers Needed at Lunch and Recess: 

We are looking for parents who are interested and willing to volunteer at lunch and recess. We have room to accommodate those volunteers who would like to help indoors or outdoors. As with any volunteering position, you must have a cleared CRC on file with the Main Office. Please reach out to Mrs. Greenleaf if you would like to help out. We are flexible and open to whatever works with your schedule. 

Lunch Hours are 11:45-2:00 pm/ daily 

Thank you Mrs. Taylor and Mr. Andrews for volunteering today! 


Lost and Found: 

Our Lost and Found is overflowing. Please be sure to see if any items belong to your child. If you see something, please email Mrs. Spangler at We will be donating all leftover items after Friday, April 19th.


Enjoy your Spring Break and Happy Easter to our families that celebrate!

We will see everyone back on April 2! 


Mrs. Greenleaf