November 3, 2023 

Happy Friday Oxbow Family! 

What a busy, fun and energetic week! It was wonderful to see many of you on Halloween at our annual Parade, on Parent Resource Night or as you dropped off or picked up your child this week. On this 1st Friday of November, I want to share my gratitude for our school community. I am extremely grateful, proud and appreciative of the loving and supportive school community that we have built together throughout the years. Oxbow is an amazing place to be, to learn and to grow for each of us. Thank you for entrusting your children to us, each and every single day. 

Also, thank you to our OPC for helping to bring the Baffling Bill Magic of Reading show to Oxbow today.  The magic show was earned by our students for their hard work of raising over $23,000 towards our Color Run. As you know, this money goes right back into our building and into our classrooms. 

Our Owls and staff loved this fun and interactive experience! If you are ever interested in seeing Baffling Bill, he is often at Leo’s of White Lake on Tuesday evenings. He was fantastic and funny. 


A few important dates to remember for the Week:

**Cereal Box Collection Continues through the month (unopened boxes please)

**November Lunch Menu is also attached 

November 7th- No School for Students

November 9 - Parent/Teacher Conferences

November 9-14 - Online OPC Silent Auction (see attached flyer) 

November 10- Veterans Day Flag Ceremony during Announcements/ Wear Patriotic

Colors Today (Red, White, Blue)


Upcoming Important Dates: 

November 14 - Parent/Teacher Conferences

November 14- Picture Retakes 

November 15 - Applebee’s 4-9pm

November 15- Missoula Children’s Theater Concert for all students at Oxbow

November 16 - Candy Bar Bingo @ 6:30 pm (see attached flyer) 

November 16- Report Cards available in Family Access @ 4:30 pm


Parent/Teacher Conferences:

Conferences are scheduled for 11/9 and 11/14. We look forward to seeing you soon! 

School/Parent Communication:

Having open communication between school and home is an essential part of student success in school. If you are interested in meeting with your child’s teacher, or a school staff member to discuss a question, or child’s progress or a concern, please be sure to call the building and/or email that staff member directly to set up an appointment. As you can imagine, staff are extremely busy during the school day and already have scheduled meetings and tasks. Coming up to the school building will not ensure that you meet with a school staff member that day, and it may be an unnecessary trip to the building. I appreciate your understanding in this matter. 


Positivity Project: 

This week our school community will be focusing on the character strength of Bravery. Bravery means you act with mental, moral, or physical strength even when you know things are difficult or scary.

Bravery refers to voluntary (not coerced) action in the face of a dangerous circumstance. This strength involves judgement; the brave person must have an understanding of the risks and consequences involved in acting. According to Socrates and Plato, forethought separates acts of valor from acts of rashness. This means that bravery isn’t simply fearlessness, but instead the overcoming of fear.

Overcoming fears is critically important in individual development, as it allows the person to do more and become more. A person can be brave every single day. For example, some people with social anxiety are brave just by leaving their house and talking with people. On a physical level, bravery allows us to overcome fears, such as swimming or playing a sport. And, on a moral level, doing what we know to be right, despite the risks, gives us the sense that we are acting on behalf of a larger purpose.

To practice and encourage the character strength of bravery with your child, please visit the Positivity Project’s P2 for Families (password: P2) where together you will watch a video, read a quote and talk about the answers to three questions.


Health Corner-

Please be sure to send clothing for cooler weather with your child daily. This can include a jacket, hat and gloves. Students will be required to wear jackets outside if it is below 50 degrees.  Students go outside daily, even in the winter time. Please help them stay warm, by sending your child to school prepared for the weather. 

We have had a number of colds and viruses (such as strep throat, upper respiratory infections, and the stomach bug) going around the building this week. Please be sure to monitor your child, keep them home if they are ill and inform our Main Office of their symptoms. In addition, please discuss the importance of washing hands, coughing into your elbow and not touching your face with unwashed hands with your child. 


Main Office: 

Over the last few weeks, we have had several families that have come to pick up their children throughout the school day, and they do not have an ID on their person. 

Please be certain that you have your ID with you prior to coming to the building, as you will be asked to show it into the camera by our Main Office staff. This is one of our procedures to help keep your child and all of our Owls safe here at school. Please do not get angry or upset with the Main Office staff when they ask to see your ID. I appreciate your cooperation, as I know safety is also important to you! 


November Oxbow Newsletter: 

Have a wonderful weekend! Don’t forget to Fall Back this weekend! 

Mrs. Greenleaf
