October 27, 2023 

Happy Friday Oxbow Family! 

The return of warmer weather and sunshine was truly appreciated and enjoyed by all of the students this week. Please enjoy the last weekend in October, before we embark on the new month of November!

A few important dates to remember for the Week:

October 23 - Cereal Box Collection Begins (please refer to OPC’s flyer that was shared last week)

October 30 - OPC Meeting 7pm - Flex Lab

October 31-Halloween Parade @ 2:30 pm (please look for a separate email detailing the parade route soon)

November 1st- PJ Day/Sweats Day (cozy day after a long night of trick or treating)

November 2- Parent Resource Night @ Oxbow with Easterseals @ 5:30 pm 

November 3- Half Day for Students/Dismissal at 12:45 pm

Veterans Day Flag Ceremony:

If you are a current or retired service member in the United States Army, Marines, Navy or Air Force, and would like to participate in Oxbow’s morning flag ceremony during morning announcements on Friday, 11/10 at 9:15 am, please reach out to Mrs. Greenleaf as soon as possible. 

Oxbow Parent Resource Night: 

We have a wonderful educational opportunity for our parents and families, with an educational night here at Oxbow planned for November 2nd at 5:30 pm. We will have a representative from Easterseals that will be leading the event, in addition to Mr. Ristau and our two school social workers, Mrs. Scanlon and Mrs. Litt. 

Please take a look at the attached flyer for more information and RSVP as soon as possible if you are interested. The last day to RSVP will be October 30th. 

Parent/Teacher Conferences:

Conferences are scheduled for 11/9 and 11/14. Please be on the lookout for sign up times from your child’s teacher to be sent home in the next couple of weeks. 

School/Parent Communication:

Having open communication between school and home is an essential part of student success in school. If you are interested in meeting with your child’s teacher, or a school staff member to discuss a question, or child’s progress or a concern, please be sure to call the building and/or email that staff member directly to set up an appointment. As you can imagine, staff are extremely busy during the school day and already have scheduled meetings and tasks. Coming up to the school building will not ensure that you meet with a school staff member that day, and it may be an unnecessary trip to the building. I appreciate your understanding in this matter. 

Morning Arrival: 

We kindly ask for your cooperation and assistance in ensuring that students are not released from vehicles prior to 9:00 am every morning. Staff do not come outside until 9:00 am, therefore children will not be supervised if it is before that time, and this can be a big safety concern. 

In addition, I kindly encourage that children stay in their vehicles and do not hang outside windows and or doors. 

Positivity Project: 

This week our school community will be focusing on the Other People Mindset of Knowing That My Words and Actions Affect Others. Everything that you say and do can affect others -- and your relationships with them.

Everything we do, say, text, tweet, snap, or post can positively or negatively impact other people. Our words and our actions are our choices to make, but they can have ripple effects long after we make them. Words and actions have the power to lift others up or tear them down, but, our words and actions also impact ourselves. When a group is comprised of individuals who are thoughtful about their words and actions -- individuals who show respect and consideration for the people around them -- we’re likely to have a happier and healthier culture.

To practice and encourage the character strength of perspective with your child, please visit the Positivity Project’s P2 for Families (password: P2), where together you will watch a video, read a quote, and talk about the answers to three questions.

Bus Behavior-

I kindly ask for your help in discussing appropriate bus behavior with your child at home. As you can imagine, our buses are at full capacity and bus routes tend to be long. They can be incredibly difficult for children, especially after a long school day. A few important things to note and mention to your child are staying in your seat, using a whisper or low voice, using appropriate language and being respectful to all. This will help ensure that our students are safe on the bus and representing themselves with pride and integrity. #iHOOT

Health Corner-

Please be sure to send clothing for cooler weather with your child daily. This can include a jacket, parka or sweatshirt. Students go outside daily, even in the winter time.

We have had a number of colds and viruses (such as strep throat, upper respiratory infections, and the stomach bug) going around the building this week. Please be sure to monitor your child, keep them home if they are ill and inform our Main Office of their symptoms. In addition, please discuss the importance of washing hands, coughing into your elbow and not touching your face with unwashed hands with your child. 

Halloween Parade 10/31:

Our annual Halloween Parade will be on Tuesday the 31st at 2:30 pm. Parents are invited to attend if weather permits and we can hold it outdoors. Unfortunately if it is indoors, parents will not be permitted to attend, due to lack of space and safety within the building with almost 415 students.

All students will head outside to the back field and complete a lap outside. More information will be shared on where parents can stand, watch and enjoy.

Parents will not be able to take their children home from the back field. This is a safety issue and students would need to be signed out from the main office/vestibule. This is our standard procedure.

If parents have already communicated with their child’s teacher about volunteering for classroom celebrations, you will arrive at the time of your child’s classroom party and sign in, in the main office. All volunteers have to have a current CRC on file.

In addition, all items that are donated to classrooms must be store bought and pre-packaged, no open items or items made at home. In addition, please be sure to communicate about what may be donated, as there are many allergies. Most teachers will have a concrete and specific list of items that they need or are hoping for.

There are some classrooms that will not need volunteers due to the activities that they are planning.

Halloween Costumes:

Please ensure that costumes are school appropriate, no weapons, gore or violent costumes. Please also try to avoid culturally insensitive or offensive costumes here at school. It is also very helpful to have your child practice putting on their Halloween costume at home, so that they can get dressed independently here at school. Some costumes have masks, you can send in your child’s mask with their costume. If a child is having a difficult time walking with their mask, they can hold onto it during the parade.

Please remember to send in your child’s Halloween costume in a labeled bag with their name on it, as children are asked not to wear costumes to school.

Main Office: 

Over the last few weeks, we have had several families that have come to pick up their children throughout the school day, and they do not have an ID on their person. 

Please be certain that you have your ID with you prior to coming to the building, as you will be asked to show it into the camera by our Main Office staff. This is one of our procedures to help keep your child and all of our Owls safe here at school. Please do not get angry or upset with the Main Office staff when they ask to see your ID. I appreciate your cooperation, as I know safety is also important to you! 

Upcoming Important Dates:

November 7- No School for Students

November 9 and November 14- Parent/Teacher Conferences

November 9-14th- Online Silent Auction 

November 14-Picture Retake Day
Have a wonderful weekend! 
Mrs. Greenleaf 