Thank you Jersey Mikes Milford for an absolutely delicious end of the year lunch! Our staff appreciates you!!! We are so thankful for our community businesses. ❤️
about 2 months ago, Johnson Elementary
Jersey Mike donated lunch today
Thank you to our PTA for providing lunch today to celebrate Mr Gignac's retirement! We will miss you!
about 2 months ago, Johnson Elementary
Mr G and his retirement lunch
Thank you Sayulita in downtown Milford for providing our staff with an end of the year lunch! Everything was AMAZING. Full stomachs and hearts! We are so thankful for our community support ❤️
about 2 months ago, Johnson Elementary
donated lunch
donated lunch
donated lunch
We celebrated Mr. Gignac this week! It was wonderful to see so many people that have worked with him throughout his career. Congratulations, Mr. Gignac! Thank you Americus for making our breakfast so delicious!
about 2 months ago, Johnson Elementary
Retirement breakfast for Mr Gignac
breakfast spread
thank you sign for Americus
Author Jonathan Rand came for a visit last week.
about 2 months ago, Johnson Elementary
Jonathan Rand giving his presentation
Jonathan Rand and Librarian Jill Mondrush
What a fun day!! Thank you to Czpanski’s for donating the most AMAZING lunch today! And thank you to our fantastic PTA for setting up Snowy Owl Shaved Ice for us!! Everything was beyond delicious ❤️ we are the luckiest ✨
3 months ago, Johnson Elementary
Czpanski’s for lunch today
K teachers enjoying shaved ice from Snowy Owl Shaved Ice
Snowy Owl Shaved Ice Co
Mrs. Freiberg with a blue tongue
Thank you Buenos Tacos and Yard Card Queen Milford for making our day today! Lunch was delicious!!
3 months ago, Johnson Elementary
Buenos Tacos food cart
Yard Card Queen Milford sign
It's Hungry Howie's fundraiser day!
3 months ago, Johnson Elementary
Please come and join us at Hungry Howies Pizza, 171 S Milford Rd (behind Tim Horton's/next to Americus Coney).  Second Wednesdays of each month, Hungry Howies will donate 10% of all sale from 4-8 pm to Johnson Elementary PTA.  October 11 2023, November 8 2023, December 3 2023, January 10 2024, February 14, 2024, March 13 2024, April 10 2024, May 8 2024.
A great big THANK YOU to Beyond Juice Milford for an amazing lunch! We appreciate your support of our teachers ❤️
3 months ago, Johnson Elementary
teacher appreciation lunch
teacher appreciation lunch
Remember to vote on May 7th.
3 months ago, Johnson Elementary
remember to vote on 5/7
Staff Appreciation Week! We would like to thank our PTA for making our lounge look out of this world. Thank you CD Orthodontics for a great breakfast. Thank you Milford Jimmy Johns for donating lunch for our staff. What a great start to the week!
3 months ago, Johnson Elementary
Jimmy Johns lunch donation
teacher appreciation week
teacher appreciation week
staff lounge decorations
Remember to vote on May 7th. If you want more information go to
3 months ago, Johnson Elementary
What's on the ballot? On May 7, 2024 voters in the Huron Valley Schools will consider a bond proposal focused on 3 key areas: safety and security upgrades, infrastructure upgrades, and upgrades to support modernizing educational settings and new programming.  The proposal authorizes the issuance of $361.3 million in bonds.  For more bond info visit
2024 Bond focuses on the safety and security of our schools and buses. Remember to vote on May 7th. For more information go to
3 months ago, Johnson Elementary
Safety and Security Upgrades.  For more information, visit
Safety and Security Upgrades.  For more information, visit
Safety and Security Upgrades.  For more information, visit
Upgrades for our middle schools
3 months ago, Johnson Elementary
The HVS Middle School Experience: Transformation of White Lake Middle School.
Upgrades to Music & Performing Arts; images depict possible new and renovated middle school spaces!
Student Programs are a focus area for the 2024 Bond.
3 months ago, Johnson Elementary
Bond 2024 Student Program updates.  For more information, visit
Infrastructure improvements are a focus area for the 2024 Bond.
3 months ago, Johnson Elementary
Bond 2024 Infrastructure updates.  For more information, visit
It's Pita Way fundraiser day!
3 months ago, Johnson Elementary
Dining for Donations at Pita Way, 131 S Milford Rd.  10:30 am-9 pm, 20% of all sales donated to Johnson Elementary PTA!  October 16th, November 13th, December 18th,January 22nd, February 19th, March 18th, April 22nd
A brief explanation of what the 2024 Bond proceeds can and cannot be used for.
3 months ago, Johnson Elementary
Bond 2024 proceeds can ony be used on projects/buildings owned by the district so revenue stays in Huron Valley Schools.  Bond dollars can be used for safety and security upgrades, construction and remodeling of facilities, purchase of technology equipment and furniture, site improvements and purchase of buses.  Bond dollars cannot be used for staff salaries and wages, general operating expenses, repairs and maintenance, classroom supplies and textbooks, or administrative costs.
Huron Valley Schools 2024 Bond has 3 main focus areas.
3 months ago, Johnson Elementary
Focus Areas for the 2024 Bond
Get more information about the 2024 bond at
4 months ago, Johnson Elementary
HVS Bond 2024.  Did you know?  The bond is a zero rate tax increase.  For more bond info visit