October 20, 2023 

Good evening Oxbow Families,

Happy Friday! We had another great Friday in our building with the Hoot Shop, Popcorn Friday and all of the UM and MSU spirit wear. Thank you to our OPC and parent volunteers for helping facilitate these events today.  Have a wonderful weekend. Go Blue! 

A few important dates to remember for the week:

October 23 - Cereal Box Collection Begins (please see the flyer that was sent home today)

October 23- Community Forum @ Lakewood Elementary 6:00-7:30 pm

October 26-Oxbow Pink Out Day in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month (wear anything that is pink-socks, t-shirts, skirts, pants, dresses, hats, etc)

Fun Run Update:

Even though we did not meet our school wide goal of $30,000, we were able to raise $24,290.96. Our OPC is still finalizing the numbers, however this is still an amazing generous amount that will go right back into our school. Thank you families for your hard work! 

Our students earned an assembly with Baffling Bill, the magician. This is planned for November 3rd! 

Veterans Day Flag Ceremony:

If you are a current or retired service member in the United States Army, Marines, Navy or Air Force, and would like to participate in Oxbow’s morning flag ceremony during morning announcements on 11/10 at 9:15 am, please reach out to Mrs. Greenleaf as soon as possible. 

Oxbow Parent Resource Night: 

We have a wonderful educational opportunity for our parents and families, with an educational night here at Oxbow planned for November 2nd at 5:30 pm. We will have a representative from Easterseals that will be leading the event, in addition to Mr. Ristau and our two school social workers, Mrs. Scanlon and Mrs. Litt. 

Please take a look at the attached flyer for more information and RSVP as soon as possible if you are interested. You can also RSVP for the event using this link: https://forms.gle/cBVaXdZxw7Pd6CCf8 

Parent/Teacher Conferences:

Conferences are scheduled for 11/9 and 11/14. Please be on the lookout for sign up times from your child’s teacher to be sent home in the next couple of weeks. 


At Oxbow, we utilize bright, green fluorescent name tags for afternoon pick up. Each family will receive two tags. This helps ensure that our students are safe getting into the vehicle of an approved family member or family friend. In addition, this helps the car line move quicker, as it makes it easier for staff to identify your vehicle. 

During afternoon pick up, students are lined up outside with their classroom teacher. As the line moves up, students are loaded into vehicles by staff members. The key is to ensure that you pull up as far forward in line as possible, this allows us to stack more vehicles along the curb. Staff will be present to help direct vehicles and parents. The most important safety issue is that parents remain in their vehicles and do not exit.

If you arrive well before dismissal begins, please be sure to get in line and help to stack vehicles accordingly. We are leaving big gaps in between cars and this causes confusion. 

Positivity Project: 

This week our school community will be focusing on the character strength of Creativity. Creativity means you come up with new and original ways to think about and do things.

Creative people can look at the world in original ways. They are open to new experiences, and have an imaginative and independent thought process. They generate lots of different ideas and can pursue them with energy and enthusiasm. Creativity is a process that takes courage. Anytime you share your original ideas with the world, you risk being criticized or even ostracized.

On a group level, creativity is vital. It helps us solve seemingly impossible problems, create something we never knew we wanted, or simply see the world in a new way. Technological examples include the printing press, refrigeration, electricity, automobiles, and the internet. Just think of what we’d be missing without Renaissance art, Enlightenment thinking, Harlem Renaissance jazz, or hip-hop emerging from the South Bronx in the 1970s and 80s.

To practice and encourage the character strength of creativity with your child, please visit the Positivity Project’s P2 for Families (password: P2) where together you will watch a video, read a quote and talk about the answers to three questions.

Bus Behavior:

I kindly ask for your help in discussing appropriate bus behavior with your child at home. As you can imagine, our buses are at full capacity and bus routes tend to be long. They can be incredibly difficult for children, especially after a long school day. A few important things to note and mention to your child are staying in your seat, using a whisper or low voice, using appropriate language and being respectful to all. This will help ensure that our students are safe on the bus and representing themselves with pride and integrity. #iHOOT

Birthday Treats at School:

Many parents will soon be reaching out to classroom teachers about birthday treats to help celebrate their child's birthday this school year. Due to the fact that we have many children in the building with various food allergies and health related illnesses, we want to create an environment that is inclusive, supportive and safe to all of our children.

With that being said, we encourage parents to send only little trinkets, pencils, stickers, books, goodie bags, etc, instead of food items. Food items such as cupcakes, brownies, etc, will not be accepted due to allergies, etc. This is the same protocol that was in place the last few years here at Oxbow, and we will continue to follow it. Unfortunately, all food items will be returned home with your child. 

We appreciate all parents wanting to create an inclusive environment for all of our children!

Health Corner:

Please be sure to send clothing for cooler weather with your child daily. This can include a jacket, parka or sweatshirt. Students go outside daily, even in the winter time.

We have had a number of colds and viruses going around the building this week. Please be sure to monitor your child, keep them home if they are ill and inform our Main Office of their symptoms. In addition, please discuss the importance of washing hands, coughing into your elbow and not touching your face with unwashed hands with your child. 

Cross Country Race for Elementary Students: 

The Milford Cross Country program is proud to again be hosting the Huron Valley Schools

Highland Hustle Elementary Cross Country Race on Monday, October 23rd, 2023.

The event is open to all Huron Valley Elementary & Pre School Students:

Pre-K through 5th grade and take place on the old Highland Middle School Site: 305 N John St, Highland 48357.

Halloween Parade 10/31:

Our annual Halloween Parade will be on Tuesday the 31st at 2:30 pm. Parents are invited to attend if weather permits and we can hold it outdoors. Unfortunately if it is indoors, parents will not be permitted to attend, due to lack of space and safety within the building with almost 415 students.

All students will head outside to the back field and complete a lap outside. More information will be shared on where parents can stand, watch and enjoy.

Parents will not be able to take their children home from the back field. This is a safety issue and students would need to be signed out from the main office/vestibule. This is our standard procedure.

If parents have already communicated with their child’s teacher about volunteering for classroom celebrations, you will arrive at the time of your child’s classroom party and sign in, in the main office. All volunteers have to have a current CRC on file.

In addition, all items that are donated to classrooms must be store bought and pre-packaged, no open items or items made at home. In addition, please be sure to communicate about what may be donated, as there are many allergies. Most teachers will have a concrete and specific list of items that they need or are hoping for.

There are some classrooms that will not need volunteers due to the activities that they are planning. Teachers will reach out to you.

Halloween Costumes:

Please ensure that costumes are school appropriate, no weapons, gore or violent costumes. Please also try to avoid culturally insensitive or offensive costumes here at school. It is also very helpful to have your child practice putting on their Halloween costume at home, so that they can get dressed independently here at school. Some costumes have masks, you can send in your child’s mask with their costume. If a child is having a difficult time walking with their mask, they can hold onto it during the parade.

Please remember to send in your child’s Halloween costume in a labeled bag with their name on it, as children are asked not to wear costumes to school.

Updated CRC Process: 

The Criminal Records Check process has been updated again.  Please note this process must be completed for any volunteer opportunities each year including HVS employees.  

1. You now only need to follow this link to complete the process:


2. Once the form is completed through Droplet please allow up to 2 weeks process time.  Please plan accordingly.  

If you need to know if your form has been cleared please contact the office.  

Thank you for your understanding and patience with this new process.

Upcoming Important Dates:

October 30 - OPC Meeting 7pm - Flex Lab

October 31- Halloween Parade @ 2:30 pm

November 1st- PJ Day/Sweats Day (cozy day after a long night of trick or treating)

November 2- Parent Resource Night @ Oxbow with Easterseals @ 5:30 pm 

November 3- Half Day for Students/Dismissal at 12:45 pm

November 7- No School for Students

November 9 and November 14- Parent/Teacher Conferences

November 9-14th- Online Silent Auction 

November 14-Picture Retake Day
Have a great weekend! 
Mrs. Greenleaf 